# NOTE 19/1/2021 Subject to current Health Guidelines, for the forseeable future all ACCV Club Meetings will be held on the 3rd Friday of the month at the VSSC Clubrooms:

109 Redpath Rise (previously Rear 110 Gatehouse Street), Parkville.

NEXT NATIONAL RALLY, CANBERRA, March 30 to April 5 2025

For the latest news on Australian Alvis activities keep in touch via

The Alvis Driver Facebook page


More old ACCV Newsletters added- 2003-2018

Page will continue to grow as time permits.

Anyone with old newsletters not currently on the list, please scan them at 100dpi, double sided, pdf, grey scale (assuming they aren't colour) and forward them to me for addition to the site, enjoy, Dale).



Advert from Man Magazine, March 1938

General Information

The ACCV was founded in 1954 and caters for anyone with an interest in the production of the Alvis Car Company (UK)

Some Alvis History

Alvis produced cars from 1922 until 1967. The pre1940 cars were essentially sporting in nature whilst the later cars tended to compete with Bentley in the luxury market.

Alvis did not have its own in house coachbuilder, but used the services of many coachbuilding companies including Cross and Ellis, Charlesworth, Holbrook, Graber and many others.

The Alvis Car Club (Victoria) is dedicated to the use and preservation of Alvis Cars and membership is open to anyone interested in the Alvis marque.

The club also maintains close ties with the NSW Alvis Car Club and International Alvis clubs and owners.

The Club has its roots in 1953, when it formed a branch of the NSW Club. Bob Morrow placed an advertisement in "The Age" asking anyone interested in Alvis Cars to contact him.

It was soon found that Victoria could support a Club of its own and the ACCV was formed in 1954 with 26 people considered to be founding members. More of the clubs history can be found here

The club holds a number of day and weekend events during the year and trophy's are awarded to members for using and restoring their cars. In addition the club has held a number of major rally's

over the years including trips to Tasmania and the recent 4 week tour of Victoria organised for International Alvis owners. Together with the NSW club and members in other states,

an Alvis National Tour is held approximately every 2 years. Generally these rotate around the Eastern States of Australia and are organised by the Alvis enthusiasts in the host state.

These rally's attract entrants from all across Australia and regular visitors from New Zealand, UK and America.

The majority of members drive to and from the event which generally will mean a 3-4,000km round trip (closer to 7,000km for aWestern Australian member attending a Queensland Rally.)

Australia has a wide variety of cars, the majority of them imported when new, however a number of cars have also been imported by enthusiastic owners.

The cars have a wide variety of body styles, either produced by Australian coachbuilders or with UK or Swiss coachwork. Photographs of these cars are continually being added or updated (See photo gallery).